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BlockApprox. TimeTransactionsValue OutDifficultyOutstandingAverage AgeChain Age% CoinDDSatoshi-secondsTotal ss
174892014-03-26 01:28:3018883.852-0.00000001 017.7016  0 0
174882014-03-26 01:27:091883.852-0.00000001 017.7007  0 0
174872014-03-26 01:24:131883.852-0.00000001 017.6987  0 0
174862014-03-26 01:23:451883.852-0.00000001 017.6983  0 0
174852014-03-26 01:21:501883.852-0.00000001 017.697  0 0
174842014-03-26 01:20:5818883.852-0.00000001 017.6964  0 0
174832014-03-26 01:18:213666.75653.852-0.00000001 017.6946  0 0
174822014-03-26 01:17:311883.852-0.00000001 017.694  0 0
174812014-03-26 01:17:092938.823.852-0.00000001 017.6938  0 0
174802014-03-26 01:11:2123087.165435993.852-0.00000001 017.6897  0 0
174792014-03-26 01:06:481884.19-0.00000001 017.6866  0 0
174782014-03-26 01:04:262138.88094.19-0.00000001 017.6849  0 0
174772014-03-26 01:04:2221764.19-0.00000001 017.6849  0 0
174762014-03-26 01:01:4018884.19-0.00000001 017.683  0 0
174752014-03-26 01:00:531884.19-0.00000001 017.6825  0 0
174742014-03-26 00:58:231884.19-0.00000001 017.6807  0 0
174732014-03-26 00:57:191884.19-0.00000001 017.68  0 0
174722014-03-26 00:55:031884.19-0.00000001 017.6784  0 0
174712014-03-26 00:52:121884.19-0.00000001 017.6764  0 0
174702014-03-26 00:51:353226.95924.19-0.00000001 017.676  0 0

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